The Global MX Network is an ecosystem with its own identity, a large number of projects and activities and with great potential. The Global Mx Network (RGMX) is a network that brings together the highly qualified Mexican migrant community around the world. The RGMX has the purpose of contributing to Mexico through its insertion in the knowledge economy and promoting its development.
The RGMX is formed through Chapters in countries around the world and Nodes in the States of Mexico, each with an autonomy of management and action. The Network Chapters can be created by country or regionally, especially in countries with a large territory (e.g. in Spain, the Barcelona and Madrid Chapters coexist). Each chapter and Node has a democratically elected Board of Directors, its own statutes, a work plan and determines its own goals and objectives. All are groups with a local identity adhered to the mission of the Global Network and are organized according to their own needs.
The RGMX has been enriched and the work programs have been diversified according to the interests and local impulse of its members. Each Chapter is responsible for promoting the generation of its own resources and may choose to participate in different initiatives or national or international funds to propose projects that link the knowledge transfer to Mexico. Some Chapters have, in addition to the projects, other programs in support of the life quality of Mexicans living abroad or for the promotion of Mexican culture abroad.
In summer 2019, the Global Network has grown to 69 Chapters, 17 nodes, with more than 6,500 active members in 34 countries.
The RGMX is composed of a Global Network Coordination and 4 Regional Coordinations: Canada, USA-Latin America, Europe and Asia-Oceania, each one in charge of helping to organize the Chapters regionally and representing their interests with national and foreign institutions. The Global MX Network works hand in hand with the Institute of Mexicans Abroad (IME) of the Mexican Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Representations of Mexico Abroad, with the goal of interacting with the Chapters.